Get Initial Autism/ADHD Assessment

To obtain an initial assessment conducted by our programme supervisor, please click here to fill in our online registration form. We will then contact you to follow up on your request as well as any questions that you have highlighted to us in the form.
Do bring along any medical/psychological reports during the consultation, as well as your child’s favorite toy/object. Therapy can begin soon after the initial assessment is completed.
Our professionals will assess your child with the ABLLS-R Protocol (Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills-Revised). It is a comprehensive review of 544 skills for most typically developing children acquire by kindergarten age. The scientific measurement covers 25 linguistic and functional skill areas, including language and communication, socialization, academic and other developmental areas. After the review, a detailed report of the child’s current skills and deficits will be generated.
Individualized Program

If you request for treatment after the assessment, our team of experienced supervisors will design an Individualized Education Program (IEP) to prioritize educational objectives for your child based on the criterion-referenced result from ABLLS-R Protocol. This serves as a curriculum guide for our therapists to conduct the sessions systematically and consistently. Our IEP for each child will be updated every half a year. New educational goals will be introduced to your child according to the progress and stages shown in the learning profile. We catch every critical learning moment.

Learning Profile – The Tracking System

Throughout the treatment, your child’s progress will be precisely measured and collected to form a ‘Learning Profile’. This tracking system (WebABLLS®) helps us to plot a bar graph profile for parents and supervisors to evaluate the progress and efficiency. If you request for treatment after the assessment, our team of experienced supervisors will design an Individualized Education Program (IEP) to prioritize educational objectives for your child based on the criterion-referenced result from ABLLS-R Protocol. This serves as a curriculum guide for our therapists to conduct the sessions systematically and consistently.

Register for a Programme / Service

Start Your Free Online Test (For 7 Years & Above)

Start Your free online test (For 3 to 6 Years Old)

Start Your Free Online test (For 2 years & Below)

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