Recent findings by Rutgers University have established problems controlling bodily movements are at the core of autism spectrum disorders (ASD).
This new discovery challenges the conventional medical understanding of autism as a mental problem and highlights motor issues as core issues that need to be included in the diagnosis criteria for autism.
More worryingly, Rutgers neuroscientists found that the use of psychotropic medications to treat autism in children often exacerbates such neuromotor problems, worsening the condition of these children.
An area of particular concern is that such psychotropic drugs are designed for adults yet routinely prescribed for children with ASD, with no clinical trials yet on the long-term effects of these medications on the children’s neuromotor development.
We support the views of the study’s co-author that doctors should be cautious in prescribing such medications for children and that parents should think twice about the pros and cons of such medications for their children’s mental and physical well-being.
Parents may want to consider established and scientifically proven methods of treating ASD in children that have many years of study and use and offer proof of effectiveness.
Thus far, the most effective method of treating ASD, that is endorsed by the U.S. Surgeon General, is applied behaviour analysis (ABA) therapy.
To find out more about ABA therapy, please refer here:
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