This is a letter of thanks from Josephine, the mother of Ronnie Ng:

My son had been going for treatment at other centres for almost a year but there was no improvement at all. He was still completely lost in his own world and would avoid eye contact and refuse to engage with anyone. I decided to bring my son to ARN after hearing many wonderful stories about it.

After starting at ARN, I noticed a great deal of improvement after just a few months. Ronnie has learned to want and get the attention of people around him so he can get things he wants from them like his favourite snack of Oreo cookies. However, more importantly, he has started talking! My heart burst with joy when for the first time in his life, my son came to me and hugged me and called me “Mummy!”

In fact, I just came back from seeing my son’s doctor and I was stunned with the happy news that his ATEC score has dropped from 50 to 17! This ATEC (Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist) test is a quantitative evaluation of autism. The lower the score, the fewer the problems the child being assessed has. (Editor’s Note: A neurotypical child would have a score below 10.)

As a single mother, I have to work all day and I literally have to leave my son in ARN’s hands. The therapists at ARN have done an incredible job helping Ronnie overcome his many speech and developmental delays. They are kind, patient and loving people. But more importantly, the experience and expertise I have seen them shown in helping many other kids and families at the centre made me trust them completely. Most gratefully, they have given me a great deal of hope and belief that Ronnie can recover from his condition and have a great future like the many other children at ARN.

Thank you, ARN!

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