The transition phase is found to be one of the many reasons for lower retention rates despite the availability of every possible resource to help individuals with autism complete their coursework seamlessly.

A data highlights 50,000 American autistic adults entering their adulthood each year and few of them are seen to make their way to the college after their school.

Jennifer, an autistic sophomore pursuing informatics says, autistic individuals are smart and similar to their normal peers. Jennifer further highlights autistic students have a good amount of potential which shouldn’t be left unexplored.

Jennifer further adds, “Autistic individuals are given little to no support when one reaches their adulthood. Most of the organizations tend to focus on autistic individual’s parent rather than his/her well-being.”

A look at the available data regarding autistic adults

The studies followed autistic students in their special education programs throughout their higher secondary schools and post-completion after their school activities up to eight years.

Jessica Raft, a senior author says “One of the many problems that autistic students face is the transition phase and understanding the navigational process in the college is completely different in comparison to their high school activities.

Further, the data highlighted lesser than 20 percent of the autistic college going individuals being graduated from their high school

Interestingly, Raft points out to another important fact that autistic students are given extra years to have their degree completed.

Raft further adds “We need to have a strong focus on autistic adults and understand the quality of services that need to be given in order to help individuals better the quality of their lives.”

Interagency autistic coordinating committee highlights, 2 percent of the total research funds that are allocated for autism are spent on long-term issues that are seen to positively impact lives of autistic individuals.

The focus of the research is on the support services and the treatments meted out during the early phase of an individual’s childhood to which will significantly impact the outcome.

Autism Stigma

There are many autistic students who do not reach out to the disability resource centers, the major reason being the stigma that surrounds the disability.

Many things are seen to surround the disorder, and some people show that the disability is on par with retardation, which is not, says Borneman.

Borneman further adds, “Due to autism being in the poor light, society at times tends to reject autistic individuals.”

Further, the author says, “This is seen to cause a greater divide among autistic people and normal people.

Do you believe this could be one of the many reasons for individuals with autism to have lower transitioning rates? Feel free to share your views by commenting in the comment box below.

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